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 Masonry engineering, also known as masonry engineering, refers to the use of ordinary clay bricks, load-bearing clay hollow bricks, autoclaved lime sand bricks, fly ash bricks, various small and medium-sized blocks and stone materials in construction projects。包括砌砖、石、砌块及轻质墙板等内容。Requirements for masonry materials, group building technology, quality requirements and prevention measures for common quality problems of brick, stone and block brick masonry。

Masonry is mainly composed of blocks and mortar, in which mortar is used as a cementing material to combine the blocks into a whole to meet the normal use requirements and withstand various loads of the structure。 The type and label of cement used in masonry mortar should be selected according to the location and environment of masonry。Before the cement is used, its strength and stability should be retested in batches。检验批应以同一生产厂家,同一编号为一批。
The mud content of mortar sand should meet the following requirements: For cement mortar and cement mixed mortar with strength grade not less than M5, it should not exceed 5%;For cement mixed mortar with strength grade less than M5, it should not exceed 10%;Artificial sand, mountain sand and extra fine sand should be tested to meet the requirements of technical conditions of masonry mortar。
The water used for mixing mortar should conform to the current national standard "Concrete Mixing Water Standard" (JGJ63)。
When mortar is mixed on site, the quality measurement of each component material should be adopted。
Masonry mortar shall be mechanically stirred, and the mixing time shall comply with the following provisions from the completion of feeding:
Cement mortar and cement mixed mortar shall not be less than 2min;
Cement fly ash mortar and mortar mixed with admixtures shall not be less than 3min;
砂浆应进行强度检验。When accepting the strength of masonry mortar test blocks, the strength qualification standards must comply with the following provisions:
The average compressive strength of mortar test blocks of the same acceptance batch must be greater than or equal to the cubic compressive strength corresponding to the design strength grade;
The average value of the minimum compressive strength of the mortar test block of the same acceptance batch must be greater than or equal to 0 of the compressive strength of the cube corresponding to the design strength level.75倍。The strength of mortar should be based on the compressive test results of the test block with a standard curing age of 28d。
Random inspection quantity: Each inspection batch and not more than 250m3 masonry masonry mortar of various types and strength grades, each mixer should be randomly inspected at least once。Inspection method: Make mortar test blocks by random sampling at the discharge port of mortar mixer (only one set of test blocks should be made for the same mortar), and finally check the strength test report of test blocks。
The materials used in masonry engineering shall have product qualification certificates and product performance test reports;Materials, cement, reinforcement, admixtures and other masonry projects should have the main properties of the material reinspection report。
The varieties and strength grades of bricks must meet the design requirements, and the specifications should be consistent。砌筑砖砌体时,砖应提前1~2d浇水湿润。Generally, the brick is required to be in a semi-dry and wet state (the water is immersed in the brick about 10mm), and the moisture content is 10% to 15%。
Before masonry, vertical and horizontal transport machinery, mortar mixer entering, installation, commissioning and other work must be organized according to the requirements of construction organization design。At the same time, scaffolding, masonry tools (such as leather rods, line trays) should also be prepared。
One straight one Ding: This kind of building method is all the straight bricks in a skin and all the ding bricks in a skin are separated by each other, and the vertical cracks between the upper and lower skins are staggered 1/4 brick length。
Three along and one Ding: This kind of building method is all the bricks in three skins and all the bricks in one skin, the vertical seam between the upper and lower leather bricks and the ding bricks is staggered by 1/4 brick length, and the vertical seam between the upper and lower leather bricks is staggered by 1/2 brick length。
Plum flower Ding: This kind of building method is separated by each skin ding brick and along the brick, the epithelial ding brick sits in the lower leather along the brick, and the vertical seam between the upper and lower skin is staggered 1/4 brick length。
The upper and lower joints and the inner and outer joints should be connected to ensure the integrity of the masonry. At the same time, the group building should be regular and the bricks should be cut less to improve the efficiency of masonry and save materials。
When a straight and a Ding group is used, the direction of the seven points is lined with bricks, and the direction of the Ding face is lined with bricks。The tee joint of the brick wall should be divided into each other, and the vertical seam at the intersection of the inner corner should be staggered 1/4 brick length, and seven bricks should be added at the end of the transverse wall。The cross joints of the brick wall should be divided into skins and built through each other, and the vertical joints at the vertical corners should be staggered 1/4 brick length。
The brick foundation has a belt foundation and an independent foundation, and the expanding part of the lower part of the foundation is called the large release foot。大放脚有等高式和不等高式两种。The equal height of the foot is two skins and one fold, each side into 1/4 brick length;The unequal height of the foot is two skin and a skin and a phase interval, each side into 1/4 brick length。The big foot generally adopts the method of a straight one, the vertical seam should be staggered, and pay attention to the overlap of the bricks at the cross and T-joint;At these junctions, the vertical and horizontal walls shall be made of skin;The bottom skin of the foot and the top skin of each layer should be mainly made of ding。
The masonry methods of brick masonry include "trinity" bricklaying method, extrusion method, scraping method and full mouth ash method。其中,"三一"砌砖法和挤浆法最为常用。
"Trinity" bricklaying method: It is a brick, a shovel of ash, a kneading and scraping away the extruded mortar。The advantages of this building method are: the ash joint is easy to be full, the adhesion is good, and the wall is clean。故实心砖砌体宜采用"三一"砌砖法。
Extrusion method: That is, the ash spoon, a large shovel or a mortar is laid on the top of the wall, and then the brick is held in both hands or one hand, and the brick is put flat after the brick is squeezed into the mortar of a certain thickness, so as to achieve the requirements of the bottom edge, the top line, and the horizontal horizontal vertical。The advantages of this building method: it can squeeze several bricks continuously to reduce the cumbersome action;Flat pushing and extrusion can make the ash joint full;High efficiency;Ensure the quality of masonry。The construction process of brick masonry has the processes of leveling, laying, swinging bricks, standing leather rods, hanging lines, laying bricks, pointing and so on。
Before building the wall, the elevation of each layer should be determined on the foundation moisture-proof course or the floor, and M7 should be used.5 Cement mortar or C10 fine stone concrete leveling, so that the bottom elevation of each section of brick wall meet the design requirements。
According to the axis given on the dragon door panel and the wall size marked on the drawing, the axis of the wall and the width line of the wall are popped out with a black line on the top surface of the foundation, and the position line of the entrance hole is determined。
Swing brick refers to the test swing of dry bricks on the base surface of the pay-off according to the selected group of building methods。The purpose of swinging the brick is to check whether the ink line placed in the door and window openings, attached to the wall stack, etc. conforms to the modulus of the brick, so as to reduce the cutting of the brick as much as possible。
Leather rod refers to a wooden pole on which the thickness of each leather brick and brick seam as well as the elevation position of the door and window opening, lintel, floor, beam bottom, embedded parts, etc。
In order to ensure the vertical leveling of the masonry, the masonry must be hung, generally two and four walls can be hung on one side, and the walls of 37 walls and above should be hung on both sides。
There are many operating methods of bricklaying, commonly used are "trinity" bricklaying method and extrusion method。When laying bricks, hang the line first, build the first leather brick according to the position of the dry bricks in the row, and then pan the corner。Pan Angle, also known as the vertical Angle, refers to building the wall in the wall first build the corner, and then pull the line from the corner, and then build the middle wall according to the line。In the process of masonry, three skins should be hung and five skins should be relied on to ensure the vertical flatness of the wall。
清水墙砌完后,要进行墙面修正及勾缝。The wall joints should be horizontal and vertical, the depth is consistent, the lap is flat, and there should be no lost joints, cracking and poor bonding。The pointed joint of the brick wall should be concave or flat, and the depth of the concave joint is generally 4 ~ 5mm。After the joint is completed, the wall, cylinder and floor ash should be cleaned。
1, block arrangement Wall blocks in the scope of the masonry line to determine the size of the block, marking, arrangement of the block methods and requirements are as follows:
(1) Block masonry Before masonry, according to the construction drawing of the engineering design, combined with the varieties and specifications of the blocks, the arrangement diagram of the masonry blocks is drawn, and the blocks are arranged according to the diagram after verification。
(2)砌块上、下皮应对孔 ,搭砌长度不小于砌块长的 1/2,也不应小于 120mm,如果搭错缝长度满足不了规定的搭接要求,Two 6mm diameter steel bars or 4mm diameter steel mesh pieces should be set up in the horizontal ash bar according to the design regulations of masonry structure,加筋长度不应小于 700mm 。
The mortar for laying small blocks should be laid along with the paving, the ash joint of the wall should be horizontal and vertical, and the mortar should be full。The horizontal ash joint should be covered with all the ribs of small block by grouting method.The vertical ash joint should adopt the full face method, that is, the small block with the face facing upward is filled with mortar on the upper wall, and then the slurry is inserted into the reverse dense。The thickness of horizontal and vertical ash joints is generally 10mm, the minimum is not less than 8mm, and the maximum is not more than 12mm。The mortar fullness of horizontal and vertical ash joints shall not be less than 90% according to the net area.The groove parts of vertical joints should be filled with masonry mortar, and blind joints, false joints and transparent joints should not appear。并在砌筑砂浆初凝后终凝前应将灰缝刮平。墙体转角处和纵横墙交接处应同时砌筑。The temporary discontinuity should be built with oblique crouches, and the horizontal projection length of oblique crouches should not be less than the height of oblique crouches。严禁留直槎。每天砌筑高度≤1.5m。The part of the top of the partition wall that contacts the bottom of the beam plate shall be tightened by diagonal wedging of solid small block.The internal partition wall of the top floor of the house should be 15mm away from the bottom of the roof panel, and 1:3 lime mortar or elastic putty should be used in the joint。
The horizontal tie rod, flat iron or bolt for fixing the side die of a member such as a ring beam should be reserved for 4Φ10 holes in the ash joint of a small block. No holes should be drilled in the small block。The inner wall can be supported by small block holes on the side, and the holes should be filled with C20 concrete after the formwork is removed。Horizontal grooves shall not be reserved or chiseled on the surface of the masonry wall, and the openings, pipes, grooves and embedded parts specified in the design shall be reserved and embedded during the construction of the wall。
After the small block holes on both sides of the door and window openings are filled with C20 concrete, the connection method between the doors and Windows and the wall can be constructed according to the solid concrete wall。
For rooms with waterproof requirements such as toilets, a leather block should be filled in the lower part of the surrounding walls, or a cast-in-place concrete belt with a height of 200mm should be set;For small block walls in humid environments, effective moisture-proof measures such as cement mortar painting should be adopted  。
Phenomenon: the strength of mortar is lower than the standard value of design strength, and sometimes the strength of mortar fluctuates greatly and the uniformity is poor。?Main reasons: inaccurate measurement of materials;The amount of plasticizing material or microfoaming agent in mortar is too much;Uneven mixing of mortar;The use time of mortar exceeds the specified time;Cement distribution is not uniform。?预防措施:
建立材料的计量制度和计量工具校验,维修,保管制度;减少计量误差,The plasticizing material (stone ash paste, etc.) should be adjusted to a standard consistency (120mm) for weighing,再折算成标准容积;砂浆尽量采用机械搅拌,分两次投料(先加入部分砂子,水和全部塑化材料,Mix well before adding the rest of the sand and all the cement.),保证搅拌均匀;砂浆应按需要搅拌,宜在当班用完.
Phenomenon: The vertical seam between the brick layer on the brick wall surface is misaligned, the vertical seam of the brick is skewed, the width is uneven, and the Ding is not pressed。The upper and lower vertical cracks between the sill of the clear water wall and the wall between the Windows are misaligned。The main reasons: the specifications of the bricks are not uniform, and the length and width of each brick have large errors;In the operation, the standard of controlling the brick seam is not mastered, and the influence of the window position on the vertical seam of the brick is not considered when the wall is built and the window is laid to the window size, the window edge line is not in the position of the vertical seam。
砌墙时用同一规格的砖,如规格不一,则应弄清现场用砖情况,统一摆砖确定组砌方法,调整竖缝宽度;提高操作人员技术水平,It is emphasized that the middle line of the T-shaped brick coincides with the middle line of the lower brick.When placing bricks, the window position should be drawn out,使窗的竖缝尽量与窗口边线相齐,如果窗口宽度不符合砖的模数,砌砖时要打好七分头,排匀立缝,保持窗间墙处上下竖缝不错位。
Phenomenon: the width of the same horizontal joint is not consistent, and individual brick layers are laid on the line;Horizontal seam sagging;The middle of the wall (where the two-step scaffolding meets) is uneven。主要原因:砖的两个条面大小不等,使灰缝的宽度不一致,个别砖大条面偏大较多,不易将灰缝砂浆压薄,从而出现冒线砌筑;所砌墙体长度超过20m,挂线不紧,挂线产生下垂,The ash joint appears sagging phenomenon;Due to the vertical deviation of the wall in the first step,接砌第二步架时进行了调整,两步架交接处出现凹凸不平。
Bricklaying should adopt a small side line;When the cable length exceeds 15 to 20m,应加垫线;墙面砌至脚手架排木搭设部位时,预留脚手眼,And continue to lay a layer of bricks above the scaffold slab;The hanging line should be extended from the next step to the wall,以立线延至下部墙面至少500mm,挂立线吊直后,拉紧平线,用线锤吊平线和立线,当线锤与平线,立线相重,则可认为立线正确无误。
Phenomenon: When building a high wall, the elevation of the same brick layer is different from the thickness of a leather brick and can not bite the ring。The main reasons are: the number of layers of bricks is not controlled according to the number of skin rods during masonry;When laid to the foundation and the precast concrete floor is connected to the brick wall,由于标高偏差大,皮数杆往往不能与砖层吻合,It is necessary to gradually adjust the thickness of the ash joint in masonry.If you build the same layer of bricks,误将负偏差当作正偏差,砌砖时反而压薄灰缝,在砌至层高赶上皮数时,与相邻位置正好差一皮砖。
Before masonry, the elevation error of foundation surface should be measured first, and the wall elevation should be adjusted by adjusting the thickness of ash joint.The elevation error should be distributed in the brick joints of each layer of the one-step frame and adjusted layer by layer.When operating, the two ends of the hanging line should echo each other, and often check whether the building layer number of the leather rod is consistent。
Before the masonry operation, it is necessary to check whether the operating environment meets the safety requirements, whether the road is smooth, whether the machinery is intact and firm, and whether the safety facilities and protective supplies are complete。When laying the foundation, the change of soil quality of the foundation groove (pit) should be checked and often paid attention to。It is not allowed to stand on the top of the wall to draw lines, scrape joints and clean the wall or check the vertical Angle of the big corner。砍砖时应面向墙体,避免碎砖飞出伤人。Masonry is not allowed on the wall that exceeds the chest, so as not to crash and collapse the wall causing a safety accident。It is not allowed to repair the stone on the top of the wall or on the shelf, so as not to affect the quality of the vibration wall or the stone flake falls and hurts people。不准起吊有部分破裂和脱落危险的砌块。
1.The amount of material piled on the scaffold shall not exceed the specified load and height, and the operator shall not exceed two people on a foot board。
2.砌墙时,每个工作班组的砌筑高度不得超过1.80m, the masonry height of brick columns and independent structures, and each work group shall not exceed 1.80m,冬季施工更要严格控制一次砌筑高度。
3.Do not stand on the top of the wall to draw lines, pointing and cleaning the wall or check the vertical Angle and other work。
4.Do not use unstable tools or objects in the foot board on the high surface of the operation, the foot board is not allowed to have a probe phenomenon, do not use 5cm×10cm wood or steel template to make a standing board。
5.Masonry work should not be carried out on the wall above the chest height, so as to avoid accidents caused by wall collision collapse or unstable fall or block fall。
6.Wear protective glasses when the stone processing chisel surface to prevent the stone slag, stone debris splash damage to the eyes or skin。
7.When masonry with inner scaffolding, the operating surface of the foot and hand plate shall not exceed the height of the masonry, which should generally be less than 20cm。墙外伸支2~4m宽的安全网。Strong protective sheds should be installed on adjacent street surfaces, sidewalks or residential areas。
8.When working in the same vertical plane, a safety partition must be set up, and the operator should wear a safety helmet。
9.In winter, anti-ice prevention measures should be taken to clean the frozen snow on the scaffold in time。
In addition to the general safety operating procedures, the following should be noted:
1.Before the operation, it is necessary to check the lifting machinery, fixtures, ropes, scaffolding and other construction safety facilities, especially the flexible and reliable performance of the fixture, whether the scissors fixture is automatically drawn after lifting, whether the splint teeth or rubber blocks are worn, and whether there is garbage in the splint tooth slot。
2.The splint of the fixture should be clamped on the center line of the block. If the block is crooked, it should be pry and come again。
3.No one shall stand or perform other operations under the rod and hook when the block is being hoisted;No other work shall be carried out on the lower floor after hoisting。
4.堆放砌块的场地应平整,无杂物。When unloading and stacking blocks on the floor, avoid impact, and it is strictly prohibited to dump and impact the floor。
5.Block stacking should be close to the end of the floor, and the spare speed should not exceed the allowable bearing capacity of the floor。否则应采取相应的加固措施。
6.When the block is hoisted into place, the fixture can be released only after the block is placed in place。
7.The block in place should be grouting the vertical joint immediately, and temporary support should be added to the window walls, independent columns and more parts of the wall with poor stability。
8.On the block masonry, it is not suitable to pull wind ropes, not suitable to hang heavy objects, and not suitable for other temporary facilities。

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Chongqing Ruichao Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. was established in 2006, with a registered capital of 20.6 million yuan. It has three professional qualifications for general contracting of construction projects, two professional qualifications for decoration and decoration projects, professional qualifications for formwork and scaffolding, and labor points...

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