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3·15 | “问题”工程名单被曝光!

3·15 | “问题”工程名单被曝光!

Author: Rui Chao Construction Source: unknown Release time: 2018-03-19 13:35 Views:

每到3·15,打假维权都会成为公众关注 的焦点。For the builder, the quality of the project is not only related to the user's "wealth and life", but also infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of every consumer。In the past year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has carried out supervision and inspection of project quality and safety improvement actions in some provinces (regions and municipalities), and notified a number of typical cases of violations of laws and regulations。


On this special day, we expose the list again as a warning to lucky impostors。




Shanxi Ginza Construction Engineering Installation Co., Ltd. construction of Shanxi Yangquan City Pingding County Wencuiyuan shantytown renovation project 4 building,Jia Zhen, Project Manager;The construction unit is Yangquan Yida Real Estate Development Co., LTD,Project leader Feng Jun;The supervision unit is Yangquan Weihong Construction Supervision Co., LTD,项目总监黄栓生。




First, the weight ratio of raw materials is not used in the on-site masonry mortar, and the standard environment of concrete on the construction site does not meet the requirements of the code。Second, the construction unit has not disclosed the safety technology of the tower crane driver and the signal cable worker, which does not meet the requirements of the code。Third, a large number of structural parts of the frame support structure in use have been removed, which does not meet the requirements of the specification。




Building 19, City Xiangyuan, Hengshui City, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province, construction of Hebei Jizhou Construction Company, project manager Feng Wei;The construction unit is Hengshui Shixiang Real Estate Development Co., LTD., project leader Ma Shixiang;The supervision unit is Hebei Jianxin Engineering Project Management Co., LTD., and the project director is Wu Baochun。




一是局部剪力墙混凝土回弹强度推定值不满足设计要求。二是未进行基础结构工程验收即进行上部施工。Third, the tower crane base strut bolt is loose, and the welding process is used, which does not meet the requirements of the code。Fourth, a large number of horizontal rods of the fastener type support structure in use have been removed in advance, which does not meet the requirements of the code。




Ji Haipeng, project manager, Building DK-4-2, Huazhou City, Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province, constructed by Fujian Huidong Construction Engineering Co., LTD.;The construction unit is Shaanxi Huazhou Real Estate Development Co., LTD., project leader Shi Yongkang;The supervision unit is Sun Life Project Management Co., LTD., Project Director Li Sufang。




一是重大结构设计变更未报原施工图审查机构审查。Second, the template bracket scissors support is missing, and some equipment temporary electrical protection grounding and protection zero do not meet the requirements of the specification。Third, the gap between the steel wire rope anti-tripping device and the pulley of the tower crane is too large and does not meet the requirements of the code。




Sichuan Jinding Construction Engineering Co., LTD. Construction of Guanghuamei Jiayuan Building 1, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, project manager Liu Xiang;The construction unit is Chengdu Chengfang Real Estate Co., LTD., project leader Wang Wei;The supervision unit is Sichuan Jianke Engineering Construction Management Co., LTD., Project Director Liang Hong。




一是钢筋焊接未按规范要求进行工艺试验。Second, the scissor support of the template bracket is missing, and the upper and lower eccentricity of some adjustable support screw is large when installing, which does not meet the requirements of the specification。Third, the emergency power off switch in the driver's cab of the tower crane failed, and the safety distance between the tower crane and the overhead power line did not meet the standard requirements。




Chongqing Huashuo Construction Co., LTD. Construction of Tianfu Yijia Phase III B District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Building 26, project manager Xie Wei;The construction unit is Chengdu Yongping Real Estate Co., LTD., project leader Mou Chaowei;。




一是部分钢筋未进行进场复验。The second is that part of the template bracket is fixed on the external scaffold, the scissors support is missing, and the upper and lower eccentricity is large when the adjustable support screw is installed, which does not meet the requirements of the specification。The third is the emergency power off switch in the driver's cab of the tower crane, the failure of the rope breaking protection device of the amplitude dolly, and the lack of the rope anti-tripping device of the lifting pulley, which does not meet the standard requirements。




Building A12, Section 1 of Lanshan County (Area A), Wanhui Star City, Kunming, Yunnan Province, constructed by Fujian Minnan Construction Engineering Co., LTD,Project Manager Chen Xiaoming;The construction unit is Kunming Wanhui Real Estate Development Co., LTD,Project leader He Jian;The supervision unit is Zhengzhou Zhongxing Engineering Supervision Co., LTD,项目总监石克利。




First, the local vertical reinforcement is not constructed according to the design requirements, and the bathroom concrete flanging height does not meet the standard requirements。The second is that the bearing capacity of artificially dug pile is not tested by static load test according to the requirements of the code。The third is that the dysprosium lamp at the top of the protection shed in the steel processing area is not used in a special switch box, and a pump next to the main distribution room is connected from the distribution electrical box and is not connected to the PE line (protection is connected to zero), which does not meet the requirements of the specification。Fourth, the external landing scaffold and the template support frame are fixed together with fasteners, which does not meet the requirements of the specification。




Anshun No. 3 Construction Engineering Company, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, the construction of the second district HK commercial and residential building project, project manager Zhang Shengzhong;The construction unit is Guizhou Jiale Real Estate Co., LTD., project leader Li Jinsong;The supervision unit is Anshun Hongji Engineering Supervision Co., LTD., Project director Huang Zhenjie。




First, the pile foundation test was not carried out according to the requirements of the code, and the reinspection of the steel bar was not carried out according to the requirements of the code。Second, there is no leakage protector in the main distribution cabinet, and there is no obvious breakpoint when the power isolation switch is broken, which does not meet the requirements of the specification。The third is that the anti-breaking rope device and hook safety of the tower crane transformer car fail and do not meet the standard requirements。




Huang Sizhong, project manager of Building 6 of the third bid section of West Granite affordable Housing Project in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, constructed by Jiangsu Shuntong Construction Group Co., LTD.The construction unit is Nanjing Construction Development Group Co., LTD., project leader Yao Shen;The supervision unit is Nanjing Nanfang Construction Supervision Consulting Co., LTD., Project director Fan Xinjian。




First, the template bracket in the local area is fixed with the steel pipe fastener type floor scaffold, and the template bracket is not equipped with a sweeping rod, which does not meet the requirements of the specification。Second, there are no border protection measures at the elevator wellhead of the operation surface, which does not meet the standard requirements。Third, the installation of the wire rope of the main hoist of the tower crane is wrong, and the two wire ropes are placed in the same pulley。




Liu Haitao, Project manager, Building 4, Block C, Yuepeng Peninsula Apartment, Shanghai, constructed by China Railway Siju Group Co., LTD.;The construction unit is Shanghai Yuepeng Real Estate Development Co., LTD., project leader Liu Yu;The supervision unit is Shanghai Modern Architecture Design Group Engineering Construction Consulting Co., LTD., Project director Yang Delong。




一是模板支架部分区域未按规范要求设置扫地杆。Second, the construction holes of some floors are not closed, and protective measures are not taken around the daylighting well, elevator well hole and local staircase platform edge, which does not meet the requirements of the code。Third, the shell of a straightening machine in the steel processing area is not connected with a special protection conductor PE (protection zero), which does not meet the requirements of the specification。




China Construction First (Group) Co., LTD. Construction of Beijing Fengtai District, Nanyuan Village, 517-659 and other plots 661-3-1 building project,Project Manager Zhao Wei;The construction unit is Beijing Liu Zhuang Real Estate Development Co., LTD,Project leader Wang Zhen;The supervision unit is Jian Yan Kaibo Construction Engineering Consulting Co., LTD,项目总监杜胜江。




一是项目经理未在岗履职,多项资料由他人代签。二是塔式起重机安装附着装置后未按规定进行验收。Third, the edge of the fall height of 2m and above the base level is not set up protective railings on the air side, which does not meet the requirements of the code。




Hunan Zhaohui Construction and Development Co., Ltd. construction of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Wulanqab City Chayyou front banner Dalden residential community Building 2 project,Liu Bingsheng, Project Manager;The construction unit is Ulanqab City Hejing Real Estate Development Co., LTD,Project leader Tian Bin;The supervision unit is Hebei Hongtai Engineering Project Consulting Co., LTD,项目总监薛树林。




First, the beam and plate reinforcement of the post casting belt do not meet the design requirements, and the template and support are not independently set。二是未按规定配备专职安全员。三是塔式起重机急停开关无效,不符合规范要求。




Heilongjiang Province Construction Installation Group Co., Ltd. construction of Tieli City People's Hospital comprehensive building project,Bai Xiaoping, Project Manager;The construction unit is Tieli City state-owned assets investment project agent construction management center,Project leader Yu Hong;The supervision unit is Heilongjiang Zhengyi Construction Project Management Co., LTD,项目总监张贞义。




一是局部后浇带模板支架搭设不符合规范要求。二是框架柱受力钢筋连接不符合设计要求。The third is that the fixing bolt of the strut of the maintenance platform of the tower crane jacking sleeve is deformed and not fixed firmly, which does not meet the standard requirements。




Xu Xiaohai, Project manager, Building 2, Weiye Fuqiang Tianxi Phase II, Changchun City, Jilin Province, constructed by Changchun Construction Group Co., LTD.;The construction unit is Jilin Guoyu Real Estate Development Co., LTD., project leader Wu Yurong;The supervision unit is Jilin Wuxing Construction Supervision Co., LTD., and the project director is Wang Yajun。




The type of single leg stirrup used in the local shear wall does not meet the design requirements, and some rebars have not been reinspected。




Jilin Jiayang Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. construction of Changchun City, Jilin Province joint creative center office project, project manager Sun Ye;The construction unit is Jilin United Industrial Development Co., LTD., project leader Gao Zhixiang;The supervision unit is Jilin Jianxin Engineering Consulting Co., LTD., Project Director Wang Hong。




During the use of the cantilever scaffold, the transverse and longitudinal horizontal rods at the main node are dismantled, and the number of pulling nodes of the frame is insufficient, and the pulling method does not meet the requirements of the code。



Qinghai Xiangsheng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. construction of Tibetan cadres and workers in Guide County, Hainan State, Qinghai Province in 2013 turnover dormitory (health system) project,项目经理赵延智;建设单位为贵德县住房和城乡建设局,Project leader Ma Zhiqiang;The supervision unit is Gansu Hengyu Engineering Construction Supervision Co., LTD,项目总监李斌。




一是复合地基压实系数检测频率不足,不满足设计要求。The second is that the horizontal bar is not set at the main node of the single-row landing steel pipe scaffold according to the requirements of the specification, which does not meet the requirements of the specification。Third, a processing machine in the steel processing area is not connected with a special protection conductor PE (protection zero), which does not meet the requirements of the specification。Fourth, the tower crane weight limiter function failed, the base inclined support connection bolt used substitutes, the standard section connection bolt loose, do not meet the requirements of the code。




Gansu First Construction Group Co., LTD. Construction of Yuzhong County Government Family yard area shantytown renovation project, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, Section 2, Building 4,Project Manager Ban Dongsong;The construction unit is Yuzhong Shengshi Construction Investment Real Estate Development Co., LTD,Project leader An Jianjun;The supervision unit is Jiangxi Tongji Construction Project Management Co., LTD,项目总监刘建平。




First, the underground waterproof engineering materials, shear wall edge members and ladder column stirrup Settings do not meet the design requirements。二是悬挑钢管脚手架搭设与方案不符。The connecting wall parts between the scaffolding and the structure of the lighting well are missing more, and the joint of the local vertical pole is deformed, which does not meet the standard requirements。三是楼面洞口防护措施大量缺失,不符合规范要求。四是塔式起重机多处连接螺栓松动,不符合规范要求。




Zhongtian Construction Group Co., Ltd. construction of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province Wanyi University Garden Phase II Building 1, 4 project manager Shi Xinlong;The construction unit is Zhangzhou Wanyi Investment Co., LTD., the project leader is Wang Yanqin;The supervision unit is Xiamen Xiangyu Engineering Consulting Management Co., LTD., Project director Wei Qing。




First, the column stirrup in the core area of the beam-to-column joint of the frame attached to the roof floor is not encrypted according to the design requirements。二是预制方桩基础未按设计要求进行试桩及静载检测。




Zhejiang Hongxing Construction Co., Ltd. construction of Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, An kitchen building project, project manager Zhang Hong;The construction unit is Hangzhou Anchu Industrial Co., LTD., project leader Zhang Huaping;The supervision unit is Zhejiang Mingyang Engineering Management Co., LTD., Project director Zhang Xun。




一是局部梁配筋不符合设计要求。二是桩基静载检测不符合规范要求。Third, the main mechanical components and connectors of the tower crane ladder are seriously corroded and do not meet the requirements of the code。




Jiangxi Pacific Construction Group Co., Ltd. construction of Jingshan County secondary vocational and technical school in Jingmen City, Hubei province ordinary teaching building project,项目经理石成勇;建设单位为京山县中等职业技术学校,Project leader Wan Guangju;The supervision unit is Zhejiang Tiancheng Project Management Co., LTD,项目总监蔡国平。




First, part of the steel bars have not been reinspected, and the backfill soil in the center of the room has not been constructed according to the design requirements。The second is that the scaffold foundation is not flat and tamped, there is no wood cushion plate and no steel base, the local foundation is damaged, there is no reinforcement measures, and it does not meet the requirements of the specification。Third, the tower crane boom rod deformation, cracking, does not meet the requirements of the code。




Hunan Province Sixth Engineering Co., Ltd. construction of Jinlong new district, Xiangyin County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province relocation base construction project II project (II standard) Building 11,Project Manager Chen Yuebing;The construction unit is the Management Committee of Jinlong New District, Xiangyin County,Project leader Nie Hui;The supervision unit is Hunan Best Project Management Co., LTD,项目总监湛怀训。




First, many structural columns are not set in the masonry structure, and the side wall of the bay window is made of masonry, which does not meet the design requirements。Second, the tower crane slewing support a number of connection bolts loose, do not meet the requirements of the code。




Xiao Bing, project manager, Building 9, Zone A, Junhe Juntai Phase II, Sanya City, Hainan Province, constructed by Jiangsu Suxing Construction Engineering Co., LTD.;The construction unit is Sanya Coconut Forest Book Garden Haiken Real Estate Co., LTD., the project leader Yue Wuke;The supervision unit is Wuhan Huasheng Engineering Construction Technology Co., LTD., Project director Fang Guijun。




First, the products such as the flux used in the welding connection of the steel bar have no certificate and do not meet the requirements of the specification。Second, the length of the short side of the non-vertical hole in the building is less than 1500mm, and the measures such as cover plate or protective railing are not used and fixed firmly, which does not meet the requirements of the code。The third is that many connecting bolts of the standard section of the tower crane are loose and do not meet the requirements of the code。




Haili Holding Group Co., Ltd. construction of Ligao LAN Lake Yujing Building 1, Dongxin Township, Nanchang County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, project manager Zhang Xianmin;The construction unit is Jiangxi Nayu Industrial Co., LTD. Xie Kaiyong, project leader;The supervision unit is Jiangxi Construction Engineering Construction Supervision Co., LTD., Project director Li Zhenquan。




First, the length of the straight section of the frame beam after the bending of the longitudinal stress steel bar does not meet the design requirements。The second is that the scaffold working surface in the lighting well is not full and does not meet the standard requirements。三是塔式起重机附着杆缺少螺栓,不符合规范要求。



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Chongqing Ruichao Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. was established in 2006, with a registered capital of 20.6 million yuan. It has three professional qualifications for general contracting of construction projects, two professional qualifications for decoration and decoration projects, professional qualifications for formwork and scaffolding, and labor points...

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